Hey, I’m Tali

I help teams design trustworthy experiences that solve meaningful problems for people and businesses at scale.

At Capital One, I led award winning experience design initiatives that continue to reach millions of people daily. From 2017-2022, I got to:

  • Launch Eno, Capital One’s intelligent assistant to the web and mobile apps. My concepts continue to serve customers across desktop and mobile experiences.

  • Lead account setup redesigns including the onboarding experience for the Walmart credit card. The messaging strategy I drove was expanded across all partner cards.

  • Ensure the compliance and quality of Capital One Travel as a design lead. A finalist for the best UX Design of 2022 via Fast Company.

Then, at Indeed

  • Recruited to ensure job and candidate matching experiences build lasting trust with employers who use the site. Increased comprehension on invitation experiences for 100% of customers.

  • Addressed the 100+ global UX team about an article I proactively published on a process for trustworthy design.

Currently, I work on designing estate planning experiences for FreeWill.

Outside of work, I like to recharge by hiking, meditating, and exploring NYC with my fianceé Josefin. I’m grateful I can bring my creativity and empathy to work as a UX professional and am happiest when I can lift my teammates spirits up as we solve meaningful problems together.

You can read more about my approach here.

I’m always happy to connect with like-minded professionals. Feel free to reach out!